
BPI - German Pharmaceutical Industry Association

With more than 70 years of experience in drug research, development, authorisation, manufacturing and marketing, BPI is the only national industry association which represents the pharmaceutical industry with all its variety. The about 260 member companies comprise the whole spectrum of the pharmaceutical industry, ranging from multinational corporations to SMEs, Mid-Caps as well as Start-ups. These companies ensure drug supply for patients across the EU and globally. The members benefit from a wide range of services and support. BPI provides exclusive analyses and fast information for its members, current topics are presented and discussed in more than 50  committees and working groups. By providing information to decision-makers at federal, state, and EU level on the common interests of the industry, we help to shape the social and legal framework conditions for our industry.

An Introduction to BPI

for around 270 member companies with more than 78,000 employees.

gained through 70 years working with our stakeholders for the pharmaceutical industry and an excellent network.

A motivated and performance-oriented team of 60 employees. Expertise in all fields and along the entire life cycle and value chain of a medicinal product.


From SOP's to the documentation of drug safety / pharmacovigilance.

For example, in AMNOG procedures, benefit assessment and regulatory approval and all questions relating to medicinal products and medical devices containing substances.

Targeted trainings for employees, e.g. at our own events and through Colloquium Pharmaceuticum.

In 17 committees and 40 working groups, through direct contacts and events.

Through internal daily newsletters and through cooperation between pharmaceutical companies (full members) and service companies (associate members)

That’s why: BPI

By providing information to decision-makers at federal, state, and EU level on the common interests of the industry, the association helps to shape the social and legal framework conditions for our industry.

Current topics are presented and discussed in our committees, working groups and other bodies. It is there that the basis for tomorrow's health policy is laid.

The team of the association's subsidiary "Heacon Service GmbH" is available for additional consulting services.

The network of the BPI and the tested connections into the domestic and EU political arena, associations and organisations are available to the members e.g. at our general meetings, parliamentary and other events.

Some of our publications

Do you have questions about membership? Then please contact us.

Timm Nolte
Consultant Member Management
Tel.: +49 30 27909-152

We look forward to hearing from you, see you soon at BPI.